
Newsletter 2020

Greetings to our benefactor/intercessor after a long time in the name of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that you would have been safe from Corona under God's protection. Unintentionally, in 2020, both TeamBoaz's ministry and Chromeit's business were stagnant due to COVID-19, so there wasn't much to share with you.
In the case of Indonesia, when the number of confirmed cases per day soared to hundreds, intensive social distancing was implemented from March to June 2020, but there occurred about 1,000 in June, 3,000 in Sep, 8,000 in Nov and in the end, more than 10,000 confirmed cases in December. The damage due to corona is enormous. By the way, according to the Center for Infectious Diseases and Modeling Model (CMMID) in the UK, the confirmed cases announced so far in Indonesia are estimated to be only 2% of the actual infections.
One of the causes of such great damage is the insufficient response of the Indonesian government, which is concerned about the economic collapse, but I think there are fundamentally socioeconomic reasons. This is because "social distancing" is impossible in a situation where the whole family has to live in a room, and people who live from day to day cannot avoid contact with people on the street or in the market. More than 80 percent of Indonesia's population lives in this environment.
Due to this situation, TeamBoaz also carried out most of the ministry to a minimum. The business of Crombit, which supports TeamBoaz's ministry, was also hit hard by COVID-19. Since more than 70% of customers are restaurants and cafes, there were few design requests due to social distancing measures such as business suspension or restrictions. However, thanks to the power of God, the president of Crombit, who excels above everything, we were able to spend 2020 safely.
The business mission field for the past 7 years was a wilderness school specially created by God to make me a person of faith. And 2020 was the hardest time. However, this period was the period of greatest progress in faith. As I have always shared, from the beginning to the present, Chrombit has been able to survive thanks to customers who are like manna sent by God every month. Actually, I was a bit dissatisfied. I wanted to make a lot of money and do business and missionary work in a leisurely way.
God recently rebuked me. That reproach made me realize how much I had kept my false belief and wasted my life practicing the false belief. The content of the rebuke is this. ‘Why isn’t the manna I give you enough?’ ‘The manna is proof that I am taking care of you… ’ ‘Are you saying you would rather live on your own than with the manna I give you?’ ‘Do you still want to live as the owner?’ ‘Don’t you still know that my care is a blessing?’
I did not consider the manna provided by God as a blessing but rather looked forward to a life in which I could live without it. To put it bluntly, I have been living my life thinking, 'I will make a lot of money through business and stop accepting the manna God has given me'. He has been helping me without a single mistake and without stopping until now, but instead of thanking Him, I have persistently prayed for my independence from God. That's why I'm praying a lot for repentance these days.
Before stopping ministry due to COVID-19, I ate ‘Cheese Chicken Ribs’, which is popular in Indonesia these days, with volunteers for ‘Saptuzzria (Happy Saturday)’, TeamBoaz’s after-school classroom ministry. All of them are seminarians from the Presbyterian Church in Indonesia, and they are future leaders who will stand at the center of Indonesia's ministry.
Saptutsuria teaches Indonesian, English, and math to elementary and middle school students every Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 in six slum areas near Jakarta. The nursery school ministry, “Sumber Kasi (The Source of Love)”, has also been carried out in a non-face-to-face manner since March due to COVID-19. Online non-face-to-face classes using platforms such as ‘Zoom’ were impossible due to the poor living conditions of the children, so the class was maintained by giving the children homework assignments and sending pictures of the results back to the teacher with their cell phones.
1. Please pray for the qualitative and quantitative growth of Chrombit. We want to be a model for good companies that provide good jobs, and we want Chrombit to be a channel of blessing. Through the services provided by Chrombit, we want to improve the quality of life in Indonesia.
2. Please pray for employees to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in their work life. Since the gospel preached by life, not by words, is the most effective tool for spreading the gospel, intercession is urgently needed for me to live well as an example of faith.
3. We are praying for the expansion of the Teamboaz Day Care ministry. Education is important. Teamboaz Daycare Center, which provides high-quality daycare education for lower-middle-class families, is being envisioned. Please intercede for God's guidance.
4. Please pray that I can play the role of head of the Indonesian branch of ISF (International Student Council), having my career in Indonesia, and can continue to network with those graduates who will represent Korea so that I can do various activities with them to promote the good things about Korea.
Guidance on Patronage
Team Boaz is a nonprofit organization (NGO). Backed up by your patronage and prayer, we can spread Christ’s love. We look forward to sponsorship from those who sympathize on the effect of our mission.
In Korea
- Account Holder: 팀보아즈 (Team Boaz)
- Bank: 하나은행
- Acct. No.: 366-910005-34304
In Indonesia
- Account Holder: Yayasan Agape Wesley Indonesia
- Bank: Bank Mandiri
- Acct. No.: 120 00 1101771 7
From brother in Jesus Christ,

Isaiah Choongsil Lee


Teamboaz Sabtu Ceria Sabtu Gembira ISF Charity Fellowship

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