
Newsletter 2018 - 3

Greetings in the good name of the Lord to the co-workers giving their full material and spiritual supports to Team Boaz! I would like to report on Team Boaz's ministry in the second quarter of 2018. We have already entered the second half of this year. It enforces us to pledge saving time once again.
I feel that God is still testing my faith. Over the last four and a half years, I have been doing both business and ministry in Indonesia. Unexpectedly slow growth of the business and stagnation of ministry in accordance with it has been a great burden to me.
As the company's survival has become a goal, the firm belief in God's guidance I had, entering this land for the first time, has become faded. Accordingly, I was downhearted in doubt whether my conviction of God's guidance was right and whether my obedience to His call was based on the right decision. This is very consistent with the life of Abraham in contemplation nowadays.
In Genesis 12, when Jehovah said, "I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great", Abraham believed and obeyed the command "Go to the land that I will show you." He bravely left for the place without knowing the way to go "I did not know the way to go" (Hebrews 11: 8).
But when the promise is not fulfilled over time, the faith disappears, and the "Eliezer of Damascus" is considered to be his heir (Gen. 15: 2-3). Then God appeared again and said, "He is not your heir, but your heirs in your flesh." He took him out and showed the stars in heaven, "Your offspring will be like this" (Ge 15: 4 ~ 5) and again confirmed his covenant.
But before the promises of God were still fulfilled, he gave birth to Ishmael through Hagar, Sarai's maid servant, and wanted "If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!"(Genesis 17:18) in front of God who repeated to remind Abraham to be the father of the nation. He reveals my naked face by letting me meditate the acting in a human way of Abraham who, just upon receiving God's promise, made a walk of obedience but fell in doubt about the promise as time elapsed.
"You are to be set before him as holy, blameless and free from accusation, if you stand in faith firmly established and not moved from the hope held out in the Gospel (Colossians 1: 22-23). Yes. Under no circumstances should you doubt the existence of God and the promises received from the living God. The reason why it took 35 years for Abraham to fully believe and fulfill his promise is because he needed so long to believe in God's promise without any doubt. In other words, God is not the problem, but our faith is the problem. I would ask you to continue to intercede so that I should not be shaken from the hope of the gospel I have heard and may live in faith, firmly standing on the foundation.
Team Boaz had the fifth medical ministry work in the Afghanistan camp in Bogor on May 4. This time, we were able to provide free medical services to about 150 refugees, thanks to the support of KHARIS (a company specializing in snake leather handbag products) and the Korean Seungbok church. This is the third medical mission for refugees. Because there are too many applicants usually, we have got pre-registration of 200 people on a first come-first served basis. But this time, the number of applicants was small. When asked why, some of the refugees are demonstrating in front of the prison near the refugee camp. When I asked why they were protesting in front of the prison, the answer was shocking. They have stayed for 3~4 years without any promise, waiting for appearance of a country to accept the refuges and got to face a severe economic crisis. Now they could no longer afford to pay for their living and were forced to demonstrate to be rather imprisoned
As such, the current situation of the refugees, Team Boaz now serves, has been severely coarse. The suffering of those who have been abandoned by their own countries seems too painful for an individual or a family to bear alone. Although it is once every three months for Team Boaz to serve them, it is desirable to be a precious chance for them to experience the love of God through healing the wounds accumulated in the past through Team Boaz, who steadily comes to themselves, that no one pays attention to, and gives love of service. Three members of the Indonesian Christian Doctors Association, three internal medicine doctors and three dentists were in charge. Missionary Choi Young-mi, dispatched from the Methodist, prepared the medicine based on the doctor's prescription. It is true that it was vague when we first founded Team Boaz. I was wondering when Team Boaz could do medical mission, but God had already prepared everything for Team Boaz. By having co-worked with Missionary Choi Young-mi, who was a persistent medical missionary in Indonesia, I became aware of the doctors of the Indonesian Christian Doctors Association and have been able to maintain a team of medical missionaries for over a year. I cannot deny that everything was God's reservation.
In the second quarter, Team Boaz's educational ministry was well underway. IT education for local seminary students is conducted by a team of two of our Crombit staff who visit the seminary every Saturday morning. It is a ministry that Team Boaz has been working steadily over three years. It is the goal of this education for the students to develop their computer skills so that they will be able to demonstrate their abilities in their work and ministry when they, after graduation, are dispatched to each church in Indonesia. My other desire is that our Muslim employees will meet Jesus Christ through relationship with the seminary students. Please continue to pray for this.
1. Please pray for qualitative and quantitative growth of Chrombit that wants to become a model of good enterprise that supplies good jobs and to be a path to blessings. It is desired that Indonesian’s quality of life may improve by virtue of the products and services provided by Chrombit. Your prayer is requested for the growth in both quality and volume of the enterprise.
2. Please pray that our workers will be able to experience Jesus Christ’s love and grace at the job sites. Ministering Gospel by living is more effective than that by words. Your intercessory prayer is, therefore, requested for me to live out as a model of true Christianity.
3. We are in discussions with several vendors to sell PinTech App solutions, developed by mCash and operated for a while. Pray for a final sales contract.
4. mCash is developing a service called Play First Pay Later for users of Indonesia's leading online game company Lyto Game. It is a service that you can enjoy the game by eliminating the hassle of payment during game. Pray that the development will be completed at the end of September targeted from the beginning.
5. 3D printer manufacturing and distribution and 3D printing services are being prepared for the future income source of ChromBit. We are recruiting good investors and business partners. We will start distribution to Korea, Indonesia and Japan in earnest from the end of October. Pray that the preparation will be well made.
6. Through Team Boaz's ministry, I hope that Mcash and Chrombit employees will feel the joy of serving with their skills. And most of all, I want to see them meet the gospel of Jesus Christ in this process.
7. Please pray that I can take good care of the role of the chief of the Indonesian branch of the International Student Association (ISF), so that I can continue my career in Indonesia, keeping network with graduates representing Korea and do various activity to introduce Korean merits into Indonesia together with them.
Guidance on Patronage
Team Boaz is a nonprofit organization (NGO). Backed up by your patronage and prayer, we can spread Christ’s love. We look forward to sponsorship from those who sympathize on the effect of our mission.
In Korea
- Account Holder: 팀보아즈 (Team Boaz)
- Bank: 하나은행
- Acct. No.: 366-910005-34304
In Indonesia
- Account Holder: Yayasan Agape Wesley Indonesia
- Bank: Bank Mandiri
- Acct. No.: 120 00 1101771 7
From brother in Jesus Christ,

Isaiah Choongsil Lee


Teamboaz Sabtu Ceria Sabtu Gembira ISF Charity Fellowship

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