
Newsletter 2016 - 6

Greetings in the Name of God full of love and good. May Jesus Christ’s love and grace be full in the life of co-workers who pray for TeamBoaz.
Chrombit is steadily growing with increase of the number of clients who continue to use its products and services in confidence. I pray for the Chrombit’s supporters also to share this assurance I have been enjoying since I entrusted entirely the ownership to God. It’s possible by only a single action. It is to entrust the ownership of your life to God The new Fintech project, now in preparation, is busily underway in the work of preparation for participation in the greatest Food Exhibition in Jakarta. Due to issues accompanying development, the official launching is expected to delay for a month after the exhibition. But, the preparation is made to recruit as many franchisees and users as possible during the exhibition. All the members are working hard with pleasure so as no problems to occur.
In grace went off well the “Benefit Concert Supporting Team Boaz’s Mission Work” in cooperation with Jakarta Far East Broadcasting held in the evening of last Sept 6th. The infamous traffic jam of Jakarta reaches the climax on Friday. Through such a jam an audience of 60 persons took part in. It is told that about 20 Indonesians took part in.
The concert was sponsored by the greatest supporter for TeamBoaz’s Mission Work, a maker of the luxury snake skin handbag with the brand name of KHARIS (‘Grace’ in Greek), and others. The donation collected at this concert is to be used for the preparation of Christmas Event.
1. Please pray for the growth of Chrombit, which wants to become a model of good enterprise that supplies good jobs and to be a path to blessings. It is desired that Indonesian’s quality of life may improve by the products and services provided by Chrombit. Your prayer is requested for the growth in both quality and volume of the enterprise.
2. Please pray that our workers will be able to experience Jesus Christ’s love and grace on the job sites. Ministering Gospel by living up to is more effective than that by words. Your intercessory prayer is, therefore, requested for me to live up to as a model of true Christianity.
3. We are looking for investors to Chrombit. Please pray that we can meet angel investors who would share with us the missionary vision through business on the prospect of growth possibility in future.
4. Please pray that the establishment of PT. Mobile Cash Indonesia can be smoothly processed. Please pray that we can successfully achieve the goal at the food exhibition held early in November.
5. It is desirable that through Team Boaz’s service, staffs can meet the joy welling up in the services with their skills. First, it’s desired that they should contact Jesus Christ Gospel. Please pray for this.
6. We are planning another Concert for supporting TeamBoaz in cooperation with Jakarta Far East Broadcasting. Please pray for the preparation of “White Concert” scheduled to be held on December 3rd.
Team Boaz is a nonprofit organization (NGO). Backed up by your patronage and prayer, we can spread Christ’s love. We look forward to sponsorship from those who sympathize on the effect of our mission.
- Account Holder: Team Boaz
- Bank: Hana Bank
- Acct. No.: 366-910005-34304
From brother in Jesus Christ,

Isaiah Choongsil Lee


Teamboaz Sabtu Ceria Sabtu Gembira ISF Charity Fellowship

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