
Newsletter 2016 - 4

Greetings in the name of the Lord. This is Choongsil Lee, who's experimenting a certain model for mission through business in Jakarta, Indonesia. The undersigned is in charge of the operation of Chrombit Digital Lab, a commercial company and TeamBoaz, a non-profit organization. For those who are praying for our missionary work, a monthly newsletter began to be released from Jan 2016. You are kindly requested to read it and offer an intercessory prayer whenever it reminds you.
In October 2015 Chrombit Digital Lab was incorporated. This company is a kind of digital marketing company that supplies such services as Web Design/Development, CI/BI Design, Graphic Design, Application Publishing, and the like. The motive to set up this Chrombit can be summed up in two factors.
First: the possibility to fuse Indonesian’s creative designing ability and Korean advanced IT technology.
Second: Prospect of vigorous growth in the market of digital marketing service and application services based on smart-phone, backed up by steadily increasing Indonesian users of internet and smart-phone.
At present the work is being done by the team composed of one Korean developer, two Indonesian developers and one Indonesian graphic designer. You can scrutinize the detailed information on our variable services at the web-sites:, /Chrombit At the present starting stage, the number of customers is small but steadily increasing. In coming three years, growing up to the level of the most reliable digital marketing design agency in Indonesia is the Goal of our company.
TeamBoaz is an NGO, supporting foreign students from developing countries currently studying in Korea and poor children in developing countries. For the students in Korea, various assistant programs for adaptation to life in Korea are supplied, and for Indonesian poor children, an after-school classroom is under operation.
In particular, the after- school teachers, volunteering, are seminary students of an Indonesian Presbyterian Church. Our Muslim staffs are teaching them how to operate the computer programs such as Excel, PowerPoint, vision edition, graphic design and etc.
It is desirable that our Muslim staffs happen to contact the Gospel of Jesus Christ during their teaching, and to the students, it could be a chance for them to obtain the necessary skills for their mission work in future after graduation.
1. You are requested to give prayers for the growth, in quality and volume, of the company, which is eager to become a model of good enterprise to supply desirable work places to natives.
2. Chrombit wants to be a path to blessing and to be just the place where Indonesians want to work the most. The place where everyone can display her/his ability to the fullest and spread dreams.
3. Please pray for employees at Chrombit to experience Jesus Christ’s love and grace in working. On the belief that evangelism by living is more effective than that by words, we are going to do it through business, instead of traditional pattern.
4. Intercessory prayer is requested for me to be able to live as an example of Christianity and for Jesus Christ’s great power to appear, covering up my weakness and inadequacy.
5. It is desirable that through TeamBoaz’ services, the staffs could feel the pleasure welling up from services with their skills. First of all, I wish they would be able to contact Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please offer your prayer for this.
6. Please pray for the foreign students from underdeveloped countries studying in Korea. They encounter a lot of difficulties in real life in Korea, because Korean government and schools are
7. Among the foreign students from underdeveloped countries there are many we have to contact with evangelism, such as Muslim, Hindu and the like. Please pray for them to accept the Gospel.
Team Boaz is a nonprofit organization (NGO). Backed up by your patronage and prayer, we can spread Christ’s love. We look forward to sponsorship from those who sympathize on the effect of our mission.
- Account Holder: Team Boaz
- Bank: Hana Bank
- Acct. No.: 366-910005-34304
From brother in Jesus Christ,

Isaiah Choongsil Lee


Teamboaz Sabtu Ceria Sabtu Gembira ISF Charity Fellowship

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